Persons with O blood have neither antigen a nor antigen b on their red blood cells but have antibody anti-a and antibody anti-b in their plasma.
ABO blood grouping was discovered by Austrian scientist Landsteiner. It consist of four blood groups- A, B, AB, & O.
Red blood cells have certain extension of the proteins that are called antigen. Two types of antigens are there antigen a & b. The RBCs which have a particular antigen will not have the antibody against the same.
Blood Group A has antigen A and antibody B. Blood group B has antigen B and antibody A. Blood group AB has both antigen and no antibodies while blood group O has no antigen and antibody A & B.
To learn more about red blood cells here
percentage of error= (3.4-31.)/(3.1)*100%=9.68%
The receptor is the sensing component that monitors and responds to changes in the environment, either external or internal. Receptors include thermoreceptors, and mechanoreceptors.
Traits acquired during an organism's lifetime cannot be passed
<em>The law of use and disuse of organs as postulated by Jean Lamarck was wrong due to the fact that environmentally acquired characters cannot be passed to offspring.</em>
Changes to organisms that are not the level of the gene cannot be passed to the offspring. <u>For example, a wrestler that got big muscles due to constant work out cannot pass big muscles to his offspring. The offspring will need to work out in order to have big muscles. This is because big muscles in the wrestler is environmentally acquired.</u>
Only changes that happen to the genome of an organism (mutation) can be passed to offspring.