The early part of the Vedic period, was an age of economic self-sufficiency and consequently there was little scope for an exchange of commodities. All the rural centres were self-supporting. Every house-holder produced the necessaries of life—his farm producing his food-grains and other necessaries, the industry of the women of his household supplied him with his clothing, while the craftsmen attached to the village did the rest. Consequently, there was no inter-dependence between two neighbouring local areas. The surplus product was kept for future consumption. This state of full economic independence did not however last long. Society became complex.
A large section of the community gave up the simple agricultural life; the primitive arts and crafts drew away a large number; owing to these and various other causes, there arose a scope for interchange of commodities between different local areas.
In Tomorrow Is Now, written during the last months of her life, Eleanor Roosevelt proclaimed, “One thing I believe profoundly: We make our own history.” This quote is a clarion call for all of us to use history to guide principled individual action to make the world a better place to live.
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The most important post war tax was the stamp act of 1765, causing everything that was made to have a stamp, confirming that the tax had been paid but was repealed because the colonists didn’t like it. More acts were made to raise revenue but colonists weren’t happy either. Lawyer John Dickinson argued that “taxation without representation was not allowed”. In return, the tea act was made to tax tea imported. The colonists thought the best way to protest the act was to turn away ships carrying tea. And in places like New York, they were able to do so, but not in Boston because the governor of Massachusetts did not allow for ships to be turned away. So the colonists dumped all the tea, also known as the Boston tea party. The British were angry at the Americans so they closed the harbor, town meetings were banned, etc. this increased resistance from both Massachusetts and Britain to which led the revolutionary war. Then shortly after, congress voted to separate from Great Britain and then two days later the declaration or independence was signed :)