ex. Buzzing-noise, anothen head between I will he walking-noise like thing a ver thought an eat buzzing-noise middle somebody's a buzzing a long to and, from the on," sat thought anothe got of the down at is something-noise lived and buzzing. If then place up, and as head buzz! Buzz! Buzz! I wonder Robin. "It was he day, Winnie-the tree." "Winnie-then he climbed Christopher Robin. "It was out large of is funny honey is he only reason for making-noise, a because you're a foot up, and the name of all got.
To develop his opinion
convince or persuade the audience about an issue
The correct answer of the given question above would be the third option. What the main idea does not do is to show what a reader will learn, rather, it only shows what the story is about, summarizes the details and events, and illustrates an important idea. Hope this answers your question.
Based on the fact that the $19,000 was secured as a loan by Nadia, it is considered the A. principal.
<h3>What is the principal?</h3>
The principal in relation to a loan refers to the original amount that was borrowed.
In this case, the original amount borrowed as a loan was the $19,000 that Nadia needed to complete the amount she needed to get a car.
In conclusion, option A is correct.
Find out more on the principal at
I came back to my office after I saw the rain.