To change the background color, select the form in Visual Studio and locate the BackColor property in the Properties panel. There are a number of ways to specify a color. Color by name - Simply type in a color name into the BackColor value field (for example Red, Yellow, Cyan etc).
Hide command suppresses the visibility of a particular row or column in a worksheet
Hide command is used to hide the row or column in an excel worksheet. To suppress the visibility of a particular row or column in a worksheet, you have to select that particular row or column and then right-click on column or row header. A popup screen will appear as like when you refresh the computer. Then on this screen, at the bottom, you will find the hide command, click the hide command. And, as you click the hide command that particular row or column will become invisible. if you want to show it again, click the Unhide command. Therefore, hide command suppresses the visibility of a particular row or column.
Why other options are not correct
Autofit command is used when you want that a particular cell of row or column to automatically adjust / or accommodate the content. Autofit command does not affect the visibility of a row or column.
Insert command is used to insert contents in a particular worksheet. Insert command is based on groups of various commands such as inserting tables, charts, graphs, text, symbols, add-ins, sparklines, and links.
Replace command is used in excel to replace the text with some other text. If you want to replace some text with some other text, then you have to use the replace command.
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