4.a. The time signature should be 4/4 or common time.
b. Every note is letter name A.
c. The second note in the first measure after the rest (the one with the little flag on it's stem) and the 5th and 6th notes in the second measure should be circled.
d. The rest gets 1/2 of a beat.
e. Draw a straight line at the end of the example from the top staff line to the bottom staff line. Just to the left of this line, add a second line parallel to it for a final barline marking.
a. There are 4 beats in each measure and the quarter note is getting the beat.
b. The names of the spaces in treble clef from bottom to top are FACE. These notes are all in the second space from the bottom and are therefore letter A.
d. It is an eighth rest which is half of one beat in 4/4 time.
Answer:they r so cute i love them they r perfect
Is the play "The Bourgeois in the Nobility" by Jean-Baptiste Moliere relevant today?
Yes, in my opinion, Jean-Baptiste Moliere’s play The Bourgeois in the Nobility is very relevant today. It remains topical because the play in the play is not at all about estates (commoners and noblemen), but about people's vanity. And now vanity blossoms in full bloom. Therefore, many modern people could see themselves in Mr. Jourdain if they wanted to.
Who can be called now "Mr. Jourdain"? Yes, many! For example, those who are trying hard to seem "successful", "wealthy", buying status items for themselves and getting into debt. Or those who imagine themselves "not like everyone else" and with all their might emphasize their "elitism". Or those citizens who demonstratively despise immigrants from the village and try not to mention their own grandmother living in the village. In other words, all the many people who try to seem different than they are - all of them are in some ways Messrs Jourdins. Therefore, the play by Jean-Baptiste Moliere "The Bourgeois in the Nobility" was not at all outdated.