Technology has over taken out lives as well as using it every day...
"First let me take a selfie"
"Go get my IPhone C Plus honey!"
He favored increased military engagements around the world
Traditional economies,
because they are subsistence economies that rely on trading and bartering and their main work is farming and fishing.
He purchased Alaska from Russia in 1867. He defied Congress Tenure of Office act on grounds that it was unconstitutional (which He was impeached for, but the Supreme Court agreed with Johnson's reasoning) He was accommodating to the Southern states, and advocated less harsh treatment of the defeated rebels than other politicians of the time (which quickened the healing process from the Civil War) He served in the Senate after his Presidential term expired, showing further willingness to work for the public good despite his impeachment embarrassment. He protected the rights of the Executive branch against Congress' attempt to diminish it's powers.