The Great Dane fears it has poor fathership.
A word in the nominative case that completes a copulative verb, such as son in the sentence Charlie is my son.
The correct answer is A. Because of his innovative verse. Ezra Pound was born in Hailey, Idaho, on October 30, 1885. Ezra Pound has been one of the most controversial; he has also been one of modern poetry's most important contributors. In an introduction to the Literary Essays of Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot declared that Pound "is more responsible for the twentieth-century revolution in poetry than in any other individual."
When it is used to show ownership
The term pathos is best defined as an appeal to emotions. When it comes to emotional appeal, it is the method persuasion which is designed for creating the emotional response. The emotion is a kind of persuasion actually identified by Aristotle. The remaining two are logic or logos and authority or ethos.