The body gives reasons because it is where you give evidence and reasoning. The introduction just introduces a topic while a the thesis does the same. The conclusion ends the writing so the only logical answer is the body.
To pass on from one place or person to another or a electrical signal or a trait
5. C. Process
6. A. Process
7. A. Description
1 numbers, equations, multiply, divide
2 addition, subtraction, algebra too
3 maths is a nightmare, lessons are torcher
4 oh how i hate maths, oh how i hate maths
5 fractions, decimals, percentages too
I could only think of 5 lines sorry
3; stage diretions
4; location
5; Charactors
6; Scenes
7; Time and setting
8; Director
9; actors
10; playwrightand italics
i had this same assinment