everythings just so crazy and stressful rn yk??
to see Abigail
I think so, I'm not entirely positive
The Census Bureau lets individuals self-identify. Since the 2000 count, people have been permitted to check multiple boxes for race or ethnicity. But history has shown a wide variance in how people of different backgrounds come to be identified as part of ethnic groups.
Notably, the issue of racial identity surfaced recently following the fatal shooting of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, who was African-American. The boy's shooter, George Zimmerman, initially was identified as white, prompting accusations that he racially profiled Martin. Once it was reported that Zimmerman's mother is Latino and his father is white, he was identified as Hispanic and later as white Hispanic.
The early 20th century's "one-drop rule" stated that a person with a single drop of African blood in their lineage was considered black, and the classification was used for discriminatory purposes.
Answer: A man who spent nearly three years in a Chinese prison after getting caught up in a bar fight while working overseas as a football coach is now back home in Detroit.
Wendell Brown was convicted and given a lengthy sentence that his lawyer said was excessive.
Brown won his freedom from a Chinese prison after being held for three years for a bar fight he said he didn't start and wasn't responsible for.
He said he was throwing up his hands in self-defense, but the Chinese government charged him with what amounts to criminal assault.
Brown said after pleas from family members, friends, the State Department and the state of Michigan, he was released a year early.
The hardest part of the last three years was not having any verbal contact with his family, Brown said. His only phone call was to his dying grandfather.
On Wednesday, Brown was filled with gratitude as he stood on U.S. soil as a free man.