Those who use pirate software:
<span>1)Increase the chances that the software will not function correctly or will fail completely
2)Forfeit access to customer support, upgrades, technical documentation, training, and bug fixes
3)Have no warranty to protect themselves
4)Increase their risk of exposure to a debilitating virus that can destroy valuable data
5)May find that the software is actually an outdated version, a beta (test) version, or a nonfunctioning copy
6)Are subject to significant fines for copyright infringement</span>
Your application
This is the donut factory. It exists in complete isolation when it is deployed to the internet.
Your API
This is the road. It opens up a pathway to your app, and allows other software applications to communicate with it automatically.
Widgets, packages & plugins
Different vendors may label these as different things, but they all mean the same. Basically it is a bit of configuration that is done by other software in order to a) connect to your API (security, authorization etc); and b) display information from your application in a nice and useful manner.
It’s worth noting that even though the widgets/packages/plugins are displayed by other software (such as SalesForce), your own developers are often able to build them themselves and upload or install them using special tools provided by the vendor.
It increases transfer rate and decreases average access time.
After the following code has been executed, the value of ans is 100:
int x = 35;
int y = 20;
ans = 80;
if (x < y) {
ans += y;
This is because the value of ans is incremented by y when the code is executed.
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