The correct answer is B. water will leave the balloon.
As the sucrose concentration is higher in the solution, the water in the balloon, where the sucrose is less concentrated, will tend to leave and try to dilute the outer solution until both sucrose concentrations are equal. But as the water leaves the balloon, the concentration inside will increase, so it will flow outside until both concentrations are equal and not until the outer concentration is similar to the initial concentration in the balloon.
Organization is not a characteristic of life
alleles-one of two or more alternative forms of a gene that arise by mutation and are found at the same place on a chromosome.
dominant- The dominant allele of the gene is inherently dominant,so it hides the presence of the recessive allele
heterozygous-having two different alleles of a particular gene or genes.
homozygous-a particular gene that has identical alleles on both homologous chromosomes
recessive-A recessive gene is a gene that can be masked by a dominant gene
3. IV:height of drop DV:height of bounce CV: type of ball, place where ball is dropped, climate/wind
4. IV: battery type DV: time that it lasts CV: age of batteries, age of material (flashlights), type of materials (flashlights), size of batteries
5. IV:depth of water DV: temperature CV: amount of water in lake, temperature, climate/season
Its made up of microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments. They give the cell shape and organize its parts