D due to people giving up some of their rights in exchange for protection from the government.
During the prosperity of the america during 1920, it is not well distributed. nearly half of its population still resides in the rural areas where there priary source of income is farimg
Abigail is her accuser
d. Abigail
Mary Warren states that Elizabeth was accused but she defends Elizabeth and later the court dismisses the accusation. Elizabeth informs Proctor that Abigail wanted to get rid of her and she also believes that Abigail will accuse her of witchcraft and then have her executed.
Elizabeth later gets convinced that it was Abigail who accused her of witchcraft and her motive was to take her place in John's bed.
Hale then visits the Proctors because he wanted to openly speak with everyone whose name has been mentioned in connection with witchcraft.
Every one of them had to move from there homes and had lost loved ones along the way they had little to no food little to no shelter and some had kids which only tore them even more