The historic moment created the first transcontinental railroad, Enabling travelers to go from coast to coast in a weeks time making it markedly easier to travel west in search of land for settlement. Desiring Quick payment of loans rolls encourage the service to grow and sell cash crops
Option D, the Necessary and Proper Clause, is the right answer.
By contrast, the Necessary and Proper Clause clearly grants incidental authorities upon Congress. This Necessary and Proper Article is sometimes called the elastic clause. This clause comes under the section VIII of the Article I, in the constitution of the United States. The Necessary and Proper clause empowered the Congress to enact the regulations required for the performance of its other authorities instituted by the Constitution. For instance, to direct Commerce with different Nations, and among various states, and with Indian tribes comes under the Necessary and Proper Clause.
Where is pearl harbor. The question is in spanish