Over the period of the Atlantic Slave Trade, from approximately 1526 to 1867, some 12.5 million slaves were shipped from Africa, and 10.7 million arrived in the Americas.
The answer is C the Mediterranean Sea
I wish I could give you a crisp definition of what the word culture, with regard to business, really means. ... My belief is that a healthy culture is a shared culture, one created through shared stories, beliefs, purpose, plans, language, outcomes and ownership.
The amendment that some Americans criticized as not going far enough to make suffrage universal was A. the Fifteenth Amendment, which granted the vote to African-American men. Around the period of the Civil War, campaigns for women's suffrage had begun to take hold. Many argued that the 15th Amendment should have expanded its scope and included women; however, the men responsible for the 15th Amendment feared that adding women to the mix could doom the amendment to failure. They argued that women were excluded in order to guarantee that at least African-American men be given the right to vote.
The answer was False.
It was not the loss of slaves but the loss of their source of economy
and riches when the Union under the command of General William T. Sherman
marched into the South and destroyed every factory, building and farm
effectively crippling the South’s capability to produce weapons and supplies
for its troops.