In an ideal world all human beings will be treated equally, regardless
of their gender or ethnicity. In fact, article 2 of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights states: “Everyone is entitled to all the
rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction
of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or
other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other
status.” However in reality this is not practiced. Before it discuss the challenges I will look at the background of both
cultural and religious groups rights and women’s rights. Will Kymlicka
(1995) lays down two different kinds of group rights. The first is
minority rights that protects the interests of their members and
secondly rights which impose restrictions on its members, such as some
cultural groups that set prohibitions and regulations on women.
He battle of Little Bighorn occurred in 1876
<span>Many diseases need a large population in order to survive. Hunter Gatherer populations do not offer this. Diseases will often strike, kill a few people and then disappear until the population comes into contact with an outsider again. In contrast, civilized society offers a large enough population so that a disease is able to constantly stay alive and be spread. Therefore, disease does not spread faster in agrarian societies, it just spreads more unchecked.</span>
Africans were the immigrants to the British New World that had no choice in their destinations or destinies. The first African Americans that arrived in Jamestown in 1619 on a Dutch trading ship were not slaves, nor were they free. They served time as indentured servants until their obligations were complete.
There were a number of reasons that the Roman Empire fell. By the 5th century A.D., the Romans experienced repeated invasions by Germanic tribes who were constantly encroaching on its borders. Internally, the empire suffered from overspending and unfair taxation. Their was also an increasing gulf between the rich and poor. The Romans depended on slaves and the supply significantly declined. These problems were compounded by the rise of the Eastern Roman Empire in Byzantium. At first, it allowed the empire to be administered more efficiently but the two eventually drifted apart due to differences in religious expression and ideology. The two sections also failed to work together to stop outside encroachment. Governmental corruption and instability caused a number of problems as well. The rise of Christianity and the weakening of the military structure has also been viewed as one of the reasons why the Roman Empire fell.