Lateralization is a process of studying the split functions of the brain hemispheres. The most common test used for testing lateralization is obtained from sodium amytal studies. In this study a barbiturate or a sedative is injected into the carotid artery either left or the right artery. So, till the time the barbiturate hampers the functioning of any hemisphere, the functions associated with that hemisphere also gets hampered or are sustained for a while. This technique is of invasive nature
The correct answer is: True
Bring her pickles and ice cream
Carry her to the pickles and icecream
Spoon feed her pickles and icecream
Passice immunity
Breast milk, produced by female mammals (including humans), besides being rich in fat and protein is full of IgA. IgA is the immunoglobulin (immune system signal proteins) that is present in body secretions, such as milk.
The baby that is fed from the mother's breast ingests these defense proteins that allow it to tolerate different pathogens and toxins.
It is considered passive immunity, as it does not generate memory and depends on a continuous dose to maintain defense levels.
There are two type of hormones:
- Steroids, which are synthesized by chemichally modifying cholesterol
- Peptidic hormones, which are proteins, and as such, are made with aminoacids.