Where are the sentences ?
villi is the pleural of villus and villus refers to the finger or thread like projections of specific membranous structures often serving in the capacity of increasing surface area and to facilitate the passage of fluids or nutrients
-contraceptive device prevents pregnancy from occurring.
-Examples include implant,injection,condom and morning after pill.
I feel like the answer would have to be A. Survive
Mobile phone is a very useful and essential gadget in our daily life. When used in moderation does not cause much harm. It is only when people use it unnecessarily and excessively, it leads to troubles. Talking over mobile phones for several minutes to hours over useless and insignificant topics is simply a waste of time.
It is one of the commonest abuses of this technological gadget. Doctors keep cautioning people that excessive and continuous use of phones is damaging for the health of a person. The rays that emit from these phones can lead to hearing problems and can impact other organs too over a prolonged period of excessive usage.
Another common abuse includes listening to high volume music. This is especially seen among teenagers who have a tendency to keep their phone in their pockets and put ear phones in their ears. This is a very common sight among people. They walk or drive on busy roads, or listen to high volume music. This makes them incapable to listen to the horn of an approaching vehicle. By not taking timely action it causes casualties. A lot of injuries happen in this way on a day to day basis.
Mobile phones can be very annoying sometimes. Its multipurpose use, and easy accessibility to internet has created problems related to user’s privacy. Nowadays, it has become mandatory to enter the phone number in every form or a new facility that we wish to take. Due to which people get annoyed by unwanted and unnecessary marketing calls that aims to sell their product. People get disturbed taking calls from marketing executives, insurance agents, etc. to buy their product, avail loan etc. who are not keen in any of these services.
Hope this helps :)
Have a great day !
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