An incident that showed authority overcoming personal conscience was the torture of Iraqi prisoners in 2004, at the hands of U.S. soldiers in the Abu Ghraib prison.
Even after the superiors were informed of the abuses, nothing changed, showing there was common practice for the authorities, and therefore, for the soldiers under their command.
In my opinion its not annoying to address your wife as your family.
Q3 - Being greedy comes with a price
q4 - The fall
q5 - King Midas
We have been asked not to have drama club meetings in the library common area. I say, how dare they restrict our freedom of speech! - straw man argument
I may not have a degree from my fancy college, but I know what’s right. - hasty generalization
I started playing Keno at six. You have to start young to get good at it. - ad homonym
My opponent is no patriot. Plain folks fallacy
Either you’re with us, or you’re against us. -either Dash or reasoning