he most favorable soil for the growth of sugarcane is moist clay loam with good drainage or alluvial, light clay soil. Areas where the temperature ranges from 20°C to 26°C, with average rainfall of 150 cm are suitable for its cultivation. A lot of sunshine is required, particularly at the end of the growing season
While technology, population, environment factors, and racial inequality can prompt social change, only when members of a society organize into social movements does true social change occur. The phrase social movements refers to collective activities designed to bring about or resist primary changes in an existing society or group.
Wherever they occur, social movements can dramatically shape the direction of society. When individuals and groups of people—civil rights activists and other visionaries, for instance—transcend traditional bounds, they may bring about major shifts in social policy and structures. Even when they prove initially unsuccessful, social movements do affect public opinion. In her day, people considered Margaret Sanger's efforts to make birth control available extreme and even immoral, yet today in the United States, one can easily purchase contraceptive products.
Social scientists interest themselves in why social movements emerge. Do feelings of discontent, desires for a “change of pace,” or even yearnings for “change for the sake of change” cause these shifts? Sociologists use two theories to explain why people mobilize for change: relative deprivation and resource mobilization.
Physiological component in Lee's emotional experience
The reason is that Lee is more worried about his test result which is the main cause of sweating of palms and heart racing which also shows that the person handles issues stressfully. Mostly such type of physiological emotional experience is when you face issues first time in life and consistency in facing such issues eliminates the physiological emotional behavior because the stress vanishes. The task becomes normal task due to consistently experiencing the issues.
Frotteurism is a paraphilic interest in rubbing, usually one's pelvic area or erect penis, against a non-consenting person for sexual pleasure. It may involve touching any part of the body, including the genital area.
- nation
-nation state
- It's a nation formed on the basis of history, ethnicity and territory.
-They have some activities or norm that characterize them as nationalist with the power to rule themselves and not be oppressed by neighbouring nations.
-This is when most cultural beliefs
Match up within their political borders.
- They have rules of law the population abides to which defines their sovereignty.