If you have been looking for organic ways on how to kill small ants in the kitchen, make a 50% solution of vinegar and spray it all over your house. While this does not cause any damage to your family or pets, the pungent odor of the vinegar will keep ants and other small pests at bay.
from my own personal view this means that with great power comes great responsibility.
The Finches have the most power and highest status in Maycomb. Atticus is a lawyer and is one of the most educated men in town. While they are not considered the wealthiest family in town, they are more financially secure than the other two families. The Cunnighams do not have much power and status within the town. They are poor and struggle to make ends meet. However, they are respected in town. They do the best they can with what they have and always settle a debt with some goods or services. The Ewells have the least power and lowest social status. They are extremely poor and uneducated. Mr. Ewell is not respected around town because of the way he abuses alcohol and his family.
A myth is like a story or tale, one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.
Evidence of myths’ universality is how most of the same myths are found in almost every culture. Same basic <span>plot, just different details.</span>