The Portuguese were among the first Europeans to explore the
seas beyond Europe. Henry the Navigator urged his father, King John I, to
conquer the port of Ceuta in Northern Africa. He also sponsored the development
of the Caravel, a sailing ship that is lighter and faster than most ships at
that time. Use of caravels enabled sailors to travel further and with more
provisions, and the light draft enabled Portuguese sailors to explore shallow
rivers and waters. He also sponsored explorations to Madeira, Azores, and West
Coast of Africa.
D. Racism, because the slave owners considered themselves to be of
a superior race
A. Relevant information
relevant means something that is related to the topic or issue
Japan experienced many new positive things because it started becoming more modernized after a long period of seclusion. Of course, some conservative people were against this western influence and rebellions ensued, but it was eventually all solved.
Because they were just now looking in the anatomy of the human body and the first vaccines were made