The Zimmerman Telegram was a message from Germany to Mexico where Germany tried to make an alliance with Mexico in case the U.S joined the war. Germany said that they would let Mexico have their old territory back, which included Texas. This upset many Texans because they didn't want to go back to be under Mexico's control because they had taken a lot of time to gain Independence, and were happy with their lives in America.
Of American occupation in Saudi Arabia during the Golf War. He viewed this as sacrilege because of the two holy places Mecca and Medina. I hope this helps
Describe affirmative gerrymandering and explain why it is used. (2 points) It is used to create districts mostly made up of minority voters; the goal is to give these voters a better chance of electing someone who supports their interests.
A. The 1848 discovery of gold in California
I would go with c not the other ones