He would wake in a bed of ivory, wear a robe a beads, and have all meals summoned to him
I hope this helps you out, this is just what I’m getting from the question. You should add on some words and a sentence or two if you want a good grade.
One feature of Internet slang is that the rules of grammar are relaxed; punctuation, capitalization and other symbols are often used to
show emphasis
that is the answer
A is the correct answer to the meaning of life.
wubba lub dub dub.
The tour guide, who has become a good friend, is great!
The commas help separate the two ideas in one sentence correctly. A good way to check that this is correct is to remove the words separated by the commas - "who has become a good friend" - and check if the sentence still makes sense. In this case it would be "The tour guide is great!" which makes sense as a sentence. Thus, this version of the sentence is correct.