Ask your parents when they are in a good mood.
Ask to have the sleepover at a convenient time.
Be polite instead of demanding.
Keep the first sleepover simple.
Offer to do something kind in exchange.
Show them that it will be a good opportunity for you to socialize
the indication that heart disease is linked to genetics
Turning point is the moment in a plot where there is a "turning point" in the story, something big that can modify the course that the narrative was taking and presents an advantage or a disadvantage for the protogonists or antagonists of the story, however it always presents itself as a major climax-related event.
In Macbeth the climax happens at the moment when Macbeth is close to killing Banquo. At that moment Fleance flees trying to secure his position at court. This escape is the turning point in history because it gives the necessary resources for the prophecy that Banquo received, at the beginning of the story, to be fulfilled.
Banquo's prophecy stated that he would be the point of origin of a line of kings, but that he would not be able to be king.
Questions. I feel that questions are a big part of advertising. They capture the watchers attention by asking certain questions. It is almost like writing the first paragraph of an essay, you may ask a question to intrigue your readers and make them want to read what you have to say. Commercials can often ask questions about how you feel or what fun things you like to do.
- Music. Music is another was to capture your viewers’ attention. I have been noticing that in the beginning of commercials they have been inserting popular songs such as Home by Phillip Phillips. By having such popular songs in commercials it catches the viewers’ attention because they may enjoy that song and continue watching the commercial.
- Words. Advertisers have a way of using words to their benefit. They like to manipulate words to make the product look or sound better than it actually may be. They can also make certain words bigger than others. What I mean by this is when advertisers are explaining how much something costs they may emphasize certain words like “FREE PURSE” to capture your attention. In small letters underneath “FREE PURSE” they may put “with a purchase of $50.”
- Celebrities. Celebrities are a great way to get the attention of commercial viewers. Products like Proactiv have already tried putting celebrities in their commercials. If someone see’s their favorite celebrity in a commercial, chances are, they will continue watching. People who may have not tried Proactiv yet may want to experiment with it if they see that their favorite singer, Katy Perry, is using it.
- People. A lot of times advertisers will put cute guys or girls in commercials to intrigue their viewers. This happens in many commercials. Abercrombie & Fitch and Victoria’s Secret are great examples.
she supports her claim with reasons