In your 300 word writing you can include the following characteristics of Odeipus:
- He is a hardworker, especially what has to do with his city
- He saves the city from the threath of the Sphinx
- He investigates the King's murder and also he leaves the city because he has comitted a crime
- He is very rash in his decisions and he quickly jumps into conclussions
- He marries someone who is the same age of his mother
- Because if his way of living he pokes his own eyes
Odeipus is hugely confident and he said something to proof that : <span>Here I am myself— you all know me, the world knows my fame: I am Oedipus</span>
The word game in this passage means animals for hunting.
I think Macbeth might actually try to kill him next but gets stopped or I guess Macbeth could become king.
On the first day of the war in 1914, British newspapers published appeals for young men to join the colours, and to fight against Germany. ... Men from all social classes and all areas of Britain volunteered. Others who were overseas in August 1914 traveled thousands of miles to get back and enlist.