In science, accepted theories do not represent absolute truths. A scientific theory is accepted when there is much evidence available that support its statements, but new lines of evidence can modify original presumptions
A scientific theory is a plausible explanation of a particular phenomenon of the natural world, which has been many times tested and verified by using the scientific method. The accepted theories are progressively modified (or even overturned) as new lines of evidence emerge. In consequence, a scientific theory is composed of statements that we consider as truths regarding the available evidence, but we have no absolute certainty that such statements are true. The ability to self-correct is fundamental in science and it happens when we discover that the original statements of a scientific theory were wrong, thereby new lines of evidence allow us to correct the error and/or develop new scientific theories.
The covering of myelin around the axons is called the myelin sheath. This myelin sheath helps in transfer of information faster and also in complex processes of the brain. The process of myelination begins in the PNS (peripheral nervous system).
The myelinated section are seperated from each other with a gap called nodes of ranvier. Glial cells (oligodendrocytes) forms the myelin sheath in the central nervous system and schwann cells (glial cells) forms the myelin sheath in peripheral nervous system. The propagation of electrical impulse in the myelinated fibers is by saltatory conduction that is from one node to another.
La respuesta correcta es opción C. "Contar con organelos membranosos como los cloroplastos".
Una de las características que diferencia a las células procariontes de las eucariontes, es que las células eucariontes tienen organelos membranosos como los cloroplastos. Las células eucariontes son más complejas que las celulas procariontes, y tienen organelos rodeados por membranas donde efectúan sus distintas funciones celulares. Las células procariontes no tienen organelos y realizan la mayoría de sus funciones directamente en el citoplasma.