1. Cuban independence - c. Spanish-American War
2. headed up the project of ridding Cuba of the yellow fever carrying mosquitoes - d. General Leonard Wood
3. policy of soft talk but an efficient navy to keep the terms of Monroe Doctrine - a. Big Stick policy
4. bandit who killed settlers in New Mexico - f. Pancho Villa
5. a policy of noninvolvement in world affairs - e. isolationism
6. a proposition following so obviously from another that it requires little or no proof - b. corollary
- Monroe's Doctrine was a political agenda of American isolationism which contributed to their development in 19th Century.
- Still, President Theodore Roosevelt intervened in a number of Latin American countries.
- Victory in the Spanish-American War the same year proved that the United States was a world power and led to the annexation of Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines and the strengthening of American influence in Cuba.
- The Philippines gained independence after half a century, while Puerto Rico and Guam remained US territories.
Learn more on Spanish-American War
he knew how to crush a rebellion and he was the first actio hero to the people
The 282 laws are one of the earliest and more complete written legal codes from ancient times. The codes have served as a model for establishing justice in other cultures and are believed to have influenced laws established by Hebrew scribes, including those in the Book of Exodus. The codes were originally carved into a massive monolith of black diorite, eight feet high. Lost for centuries after the fall of Babylon in 1595 BCE, the pillar was rediscovered in ruins of the Elamite city of Susa in 1901.
The Cuban Revolution had many effects domestically and internationally:
- The Cuban relationship with the Soviet Union as it depended heavily on them due to the after-mentioned embargo. This relationship also led to the Cuban Misdile Crisis, where the Soviet Union positioned misdiles on Cuba instating a possible threat on the U.S.
- A number of punishments as the U.S froze all Cuban assets in America, established a tight embargo on trade, and backed attacks on the communist government.
- Cuba supported and supplied various communist uprisings in Angola, Nicaragua, Yemen, Algeria and Ghana.
It also inspired and sparked various rebellions in Latin American nations, like Chile, Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexivo, Venezuela, and others.
- Within Cuba, public systems such as healthcare, transport, education, and infrastructure were further developed.
The fall of Constantinople meant the collapse of the Eastern Roman Empire. The Greek Orthodox Church was the dominant religious expression in the empire. The Ottoman Turks conquered the Empire. Muslims allowed Christians to continue and Christianity flourished. Jews also found refuge from persecution with the Ottoman Empire.