The U.S. Constitution on <em>Article I, Section 2</em>, addresses the House of Representatives and how it should be composed.
Some statements might have contributed for the content on the referred section of the Constitution. For example:
"<em>(...)That to secure these rights, </em><em>Governments</em><em> are instituted among Men, </em><em>deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed</em><em>, (...)</em>"
"(...)<em>We, therefore, the </em><em>Representatives</em><em> of the united States of America, in </em><em>General Congress</em><em>, </em><em>Assembled</em><em>, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, (...)"</em>
A: The Alamo
The Alamo was a pivital point of the Texas Revolution.
The U.S constitution solved problems created by the articles of confederation by having the ability to regulate trade, levy taxes between states, have an executive branch, and having a judicial branch
The power of recognition - gradpoint . Have a good day
National identity based on language or culture - ROMANTICISM
The importance of reason and science in studying society - ENLIGHTENMENT
An intellectual and artistic movement - ROMANTICISM
Democratic principles based on basic human rights - ENLIGHTENMENT
Questioning of the absolute control of monarchs - ENLIGHTENMENT
A response to the ideals or rationalism - ROMANTICISM
As you look at those responses, are you seeing a pattern? Romanticism had an intellectual aspect to its movement, but was mostly a movement about emotion and nature and national sentiment. It was in response to the seeming "cold" rationalism and empiricism that had been priorities during the Enlightenment.
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