I believe it would be B, vanquish. For one to use such a fancy and strong word, would sound as if one were boasting. Example: "The young man brazenly claimed that he had vanquished the massive bear."
It would be senseible relate
Can i have brainliest please ^-^
Read the excerpt from My Story. She took me up a flight of stairs (the cells were on the second level), through a door covered with iron mesh, and along a dimly lighted corridor. She placed me in an empty dark cell and slammed the door closed. She walked a few steps away, but then she turned around and came back. She said, "There are two girls around the other side, and if you want to go over there with them instead of being in a cell by yourself, I will take you over there.” I told her that it didn’t matter, but she said, "Let’s go around there, and then you won’t have to be in a cell alone.” It was her way of being nice. It didn’t make me feel any better. How does Rosa Parks help the reader understand her emotions in this excerpt? by describing in detail the order of what happened to her by comparing her feelings to those of other prisoners she met by sharing the exact dimensions of the prison cell she was put in by explaining how her feelings were expressed as pain in her body
when we draving in night make it slow as much possible don't draved acar
its to seperate the stamement in to two pieces