Egypt's entrance into the Second Intermediate Period was caused by decentralization and quarreling, which left it helpless against assault by the Hyksos, who mounted a hostile that succeeded to a great extent due to the component of shock and their military leeway of steeds, chariots, and composite bows. The time of control by the Hyksos is recorded as "run by remote sovereigns" and at last offered path to the Middle Kingdom in the mid-1500s BCE, as Kamose and afterward Ahmose effectively crushed the Hyksos and drove them out of Egypt. In this way, Egypt tried to recapture the domain it had lost under the Hyksos and in the long run vanquished as far north as the Levant close Syria and south into Nubia.
Today the members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles hold these same keys (see Doctrine and Covenants 90:3–4, 6; 107:35; 132:7). These keys are the authority God has given to priesthood leaders to direct the use of His priesthood on earth.
The CIA is its own entity. It doesn't belong under a branch of the government.
But, if it WERE to be under a branch I would go with The Executive Branch