16.John Brown
17.Abraham Lincoln
18.Emancipation Proclamation
After segregation black people began to have the same rights as whites, not being separated by the color of their skins. Today, they can attend the same places as white people and theoretically have the same oputurnidades, since after segregation it was decided that we are all equal regardless of color
However, the prejudice remains the same and this minority continues to be discriminated by its color. This may be noted, when it is observed that blacks are still largely the poor and criminalized population, are the minority in universities, and there are few examples of blacks as executive leaders.
The Hartford Convention
"This mostly Federalist convention in New England ended up suggesting some constitutional amendments but was alleged to consider the secession of New England from the Union and a separate peace with Britain. After the war the convention was widely viewed as an act of treason and a black mark on the reputation of the Federalist party."
StackExchange - History
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