Earthquakes would be the correct answer
Explanation: Fish can't swim up the stream. Pond plants & animals would start to live there instead of stream plants & animals.
the troposphere absorb outgoing IR radiation
Global warming is caused by the elevated temperature in the troposphere, which is the lowest layer of the Earth's atmosphere, where it is more than 75% of the atmospheric mass and is the closest layer to the Earth. When the Earth is heated by the sun, it receives infrared radiation, which is re-emitted by the earth to the atmosphere. However, the greenhouse gases present in the troposphere, do not allow this infrared radiation to be released, as they absorb this radiation and direct it back to the earth, causing this radiation to be trapped in the atmosphere and generating an increase in the rates of temperature that cause global warming.
The correct answer would be ALL EXCEPT the colonization goes against the right to self-government and that expansion is too expensive. Senator Beveridge was one of those who believed that it was a destiny of the United States to become a superpower and that it should expand overseas. The colonization benefits the US and the US should colonize Philippines and free them from the yoke of other barbaric rules. The people of Philippines were also not able to govern themselves as are not children, nor the Native Americans as the senator believed that consent of the governed applies only to those who are able to govern themselves.
-- Earth is one planet is a "Solar System", that consists of everything
that's gravitationally hooked to the Sun ... one star. This system contains
7 other other significant planets, more than 100 of their moons, and huge
numbers of comets, asteroids, dwarf planets, and countless bodies in a
giant shell that are so small and so far away that we can only see a few
of them so far. Every one of these items orbits the sun. The ones that
are farthest out may take thousands of years to complete one orbit.
That's the 'kingdom' of ONE star ... the sun.
-- It's very likely that there are similar gatherings of different-size objects
around MOST stars ... maybe ALL stars. Those objects are tremendously
difficult for us to see. We're just beginning to be able to see the most massive
planets that go with other stars, and already, something like a thousand of them
have been discovered. We know that they're there, but we can't see things like
their actual size or surface markings yet.
-- Stars are clumped in gatherings of several billion, called 'galaxies'.
Our sun is one of an estimated 300 to 400 billion stars in one galaxy,
which we call the "Milky Way Galaxy".
-- Astronomers estimate that there are billions of other galaxies.
So there are billions of billions of other stars, and most of them may
have several planets.
That's an awful lot of OTHER physical systems out there, that contain
other planets and moons.
Having trouble wrapping your mind around all of that ? Don't worry,
you're not the only one. It's easy for us to talk about it, but impossible
for our minds to actually understand it. It's just too big.