D. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
e-commerce is a short for electronic commerce and it can be defined as a marketing strategy that deals with meeting the needs of consumers, by selling products or services to the consumers over the internet.
This ultimately implies that, e-commerce is strictly based on the buying and selling of goods or services electronically, over the internet or through a digital platform. Also, the payment for such goods or services are typically done over the internet such as online payment services.
A payment gateway can be defined as a merchant service technology used for the capturing, acceptance and transfer of digital payment from the bank account of a customer (buyer) to the bank account of the merchant (seller). Thus, payment gateway typically involves the use of credit or debit card for the payment of goods purchased or services provided.
In this scenario, you need to pay an Internet Service Provider (ISP) for services rendered. Thus, the payment technology which you would use is Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
When images or graphics excessively occupy most of the space on the page.
For example, if you observed the attached image you'll see a bad example in which the image excessively occupies most of the space on the page making the written text difficult to read.
Next, a good example of proper editing is found in the next image, which shows the written text properly aligned with the text.
All answers are correct.
Source and explanation:
initial = float(eval(input('Enter the monthly saving amount: ')))
x = (1 + 0.00417)
month_one = initial * x
month_two = (initial + month_one) * x
month_three = (initial + month_two) * x
month_four = (initial + month_three) * x
month_five = (initial + month_four) * x
month_six = (initial + month_five) * x
print('The sixth month value is: '+str(month_six))
Don't forget the saving amount, and initialize the balance with that amount. Inside the loop, work out and add the interest and then add the saving amount for the next month.
balance = 801
for month in range(6):
balance = balance * (1.00417)