2,984 kilometers or 1854 miles.
James Madison
The first 10 amendments to the Constitution make up the Bill of Rights. James Madison wrote the amendments, which list specific prohibitions on governmental power, in response to calls from several states for greater constitutional protection for individual liberties.
A, The ongoing conflict in Iraq caused both candidates to turn away from President Bush.
President Bush's war in Iraq wasn't popular when the election of 2008 was coming up. Many people were disapproving of President Bush. While McCain wanted to see the war come to a victory, he still distanced himself from President Bush.
La historia de todas las sociedades humanas habidas hasta hoy ha sido la historia de la lucha de clases. Hombre libre y esclavo, patricio y plebeyo, barón y siervo de la gleba, maestro y oficial del gremio, en una palabra, opresores y oprimidos se enfrentaron en perpetuo antagonismo, librando una lucha incesante, a veces encubierta y a veces franca, lucha que se saldó en cada caso con una transformación revolucionaria de toda la sociedad o bien con el hundimiento conjunto de las clases enfrentadas.