In the older times they weren't battling or rather competing with technology whereas today we are. In older times there was greater job opportunities unlike today. Today's generation is fighting to not be replaced by robots/ technology. Today we must think of jobs and ideas that no computer can do or think of and that requires great authenticity and causes major competition as people are somewhat going for the same kind of jobs. Example Law, Medicine... etc. As much as there was oppression and so forth back then and it was the main issue, to say. Today these problems are still being dealt with the difference is that they are not highlighted as much because there is much worse going on. So I believe the problems we face today are much greater than in the past generations.
yes they look right
if they not school makes no sense
"During the shop’s peak hours – from eight in the evening till around midnight – one could hardly hear oneself talk because of the boisterous chatters that went on."
Dogs can help both children and elders in their daily needs
Signals can travel as slow as about 1 mph or as fast as about 268 mph. Axon – a long, single nerve fiber that transmits messages, via chemical and electrical impulses, from the body of a neuron to dendrites of other neurons, or directly to body tissues such as muscles.