In my opinion the answer would be B
Choose the best option.
One day my father told me that I need to look for a new job because our spending at home is growing and we all need to work to help. I understood the situation, but at that moment I needed to practice hard for a new contest for a new band and instrument I play. I knew it was more important to get a job but my wish was to dedicate myself and be able to participate in a band even we still won't make money playing.
Circumstances : We had problems at home and although I had my own desire for something tertiary, I knew I needed to help with more income.
Outcome : I will lose the spot in the band although I will help my family.
Learned : I needed to understand to leave something that is less important in order to be able to help something that is happening at a particular time. My family and financial matters were more important than something else.
Of course I learned that I need to have patience for my desires, and that if the opportunity happens again in the future I will struggle to get it.
Agree to disagree is one of the common rules in discussion or debate. To say disagreement, one should express it politely; by establishing agreement first then stating the disagreement. Agree to disagree is not only expressed at the beginning of a discussion but also during the discussion.
As a student who holds a discussion, giving an opinion and arguing a certain point has to be in “academic” language. It means that, although the tension of a discussion might be increased, and heated, it is always needed to express an argument politely, especially when it comes to stating disagreement. You should politely disagree. It can be done by acknowledging the opponent’s opinion first and then saying your reasons why you disagree. Stating agreement or disagreement also have to be followed by reasons and shreds of evidence.
Here are examples of polite agree to disagree in a discussion by acknowledging the opponent’s ideas and stating the disagreement:
1. I see what you are getting at, but don’t you think that ……..
2. That’s a good point, but how about ………
3. I see what you mean, but …………..
4. I see what you mean, I’m not sure that’s right.
5. That’s a good point, but I’m not sure that’s right.
Simple. First you would make an outline coming up with the reasons that support your subject. Then next you would fill them in a straight line down. So to start your intro write a hook to grab your readers attention. Then after write your supporting reasons after. Thats the intro. After your intro to write your first paragraph write your claim and counterclaim. Like if i was going to say dogs are better then cats i would write"Although dogs are popular pets so are cats but are preferred as they cost less due to survey done by geoplanet or some other company name." The write a another sentence like the first followed by a second just like i did above a topic as well as supporting factor. Then for your second paragraph use your second reason as well as a supporting detail following the same format as your first and then third if your teacher requires it. Then for a conclusion write something like In conclusion "dogs are better since they cost less, love to play, and are good for protection against burglars" to sum up your three reasons.