The line is an example of a direct quotation. That is when a quotation by someone is unchanged and presented in its entirety. Of course, it's a part of a larger speech, but it's unchanged and can be as such analyzed for various things that the linguists would be searching for.
In conclusion, although animals and humans can have some shared social and cognitive skills, language always requires more cognitive skills and learning a language is uniquely corresponds to human beings. Besides, animals cannot learn a human language, because animals cannot go futher than imitating and memorizing their owner’s words.
George Orwell was using concept of a sudden motion by describing the instant of pulling the trigger ''When I pulled the trigger I did not hear the bang..'' and because he is describing that he did not hear ''the bang'' when he did that, it explains that it was easy thing for him to pull the trigger or hurt someone.
He is using also a sense of imagery when he is describing his deed.
United Nation Education Scientific and Cultural Organization
Either the second or third sentence