The answer is thousands came seeking their fortunes.
It is estimated that over three hundred thousand people came in the period following the discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill. The influx of people during this period of time became known at the 49's, since it took time for communication and travel to be arranged, but those people who did came in droves, scrambling to find their own plot of land to prospect. The name still popularly exists today and is represented in the NFL's team in San Francisco, the 49's (said forty-niners).
Eliezer and his father meet a distant relative, Stein of Antwerp, who wants news of his wife Reizel and his children. Eliezer's father does not recognize the man since he was generally more interested in community matters in his old life, and Eliezer lies to the man, telling him that his family is doing well. Stein weeps with joy at the news. He continues to visit them for the next few weeks and occasionally brings them extra bread. He is thin and dried up, but he says that he is kept alive by the thought that his family is still alive. When a transport arrives from Antwerp, however, he discovers the truth about his family, and Eliezer never sees Stein again.
I'm fake myself and I don't know.