(A) Total assets,
(C) Cash from operations and
(D) Total liabilities
A company collecting $10,000 cash from a customer as a deposit for goods that will be shipped next quarter is an example of an unearned revenue. It is receiving money from the customer in advance for the good or service yet to be provided.
And this is considered as a liability and recorded in the balance sheet as such because the company now owes the customer.
When the good or service is now provided, it increases the total assets.
Option C is the correct answer.
What do we understand by disparate-treatment discrimination?
It simply refers to an act of unequal behavior towards someone because of some existing prejudices in the mind of those that commit the act. These prejudices could include false believes about the person coming in. For example a stereotype about being Asian or probably, one about being a female. So what this means is that this act is committed when an unequal behavior is shown to a person because of some characteristics possessed by the person for example gender-based or demographic considerations.
Important to note is that this act is illegal. Since it is illegal, a person feeling he had been a victim could get a court to preside over his/her issues with the said person
True, but to achieve full success Anthony should manage his millennials properly. Despite being labeled as 'tech savvy, flexible, adaptable, they need to feel their voices are being heard, they're part of a team, so they will generate a stronger and stronger sense of commitment.
The first one is Business communication skills
The second one is computer skills
The third one is leadership skills
The fourth one is analytical skills