They were searching for cities of gold called cibola
In the early history of the U.S., some states allowed only white male adult property owners to vote, while others either did not specify race, or specifically protected the rights of men of any race to vote. Freed slaves could vote in four states. Women were largely prohibited from voting, as were men without property.
When Great Britain raised tariffs, this was unwise because "<span>Higher tariffs discouraged foreign trade" since all imported goods faced a tax before they could go to market.</span>
Confederate territories
Basically the south declared independence from the union and declared themselves the Confederate states of America. Lincoln was able to inflict the Emancipation Proclamation in the South because it was a separate nation.
Why did the British tighten control over the colonies following the war? The king tightened control over the colonies because the war cost a lot so he put taxes to get more money and when the colonists refused to pay the taxes the king got worried about how much loyalty the colonists had so he tightened his grip.