<span>Good Morning!
The description may refer to farmers or importers. The answer, however, is with regard to farmers and Brazilian production is an example of this: the increase in coffee production meant that, in the early twentieth century, thousands of sacks had to be burned to valorize the product.
The Crittenden Compromise (December 18, 1860) was an unsuccessful proposal by Kentucky Senator John J. Crittenden to resolve the U.S. secession crisis of 1860–1861 by addressing the concerns that led the states in the Deep South of the United States to contemplate secession from the United States.
Although the emphasis and ranking of priorities were subject to change, two basic goals of Soviet foreign policy remained constant: national security (safeguarding Communist Party rule through internal control and the maintenance of adequate military forces) and, since the late 1940s, influence over Eastern Europe.
Yalta Conference and deciding the future of Germany and Poland