El patinaje sobre hielo usa patines.
El esquí usa esquís.
El patinaje sobre hielo es sobre hielo.
El esquí está en la nieve.
El esquí requiere mucha ropa abrigada.
El patinaje sobre hielo no requiere mucha ropa abrigada.
Here's a start. In the future, I'd recommend using google translate (there's an app for your phone or a website).
You can use the app to translate from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English. However, it isn't always correct, so I'd recommend using it to just fact check your answers.
Hope this helps :)
Los estudiantes estudiaron la leccion
All answer choices are something worn as a shirt, and "Corbata" means "Tie"
Hope this helps :)
1. Venir
2. Venir
3. Iremos (not 100% sure tho)
4. Vamos
5. Ir (not sure tho)