The New Deal redefined the role of the government, convincing the majority of ordinary Americans that the government not only could but should intervene in the economy as well as protect and provide direct support for American citizens.
Clinton made bold promises and was a political figure representing honesty, support, and unity while the other politicians seemed as if they bragged about their accomplishments alone and didn't make bold promises.
RNS) Sikhism is the world's fifth-largest religion, a monotheistic faith founded in the Punjab region of India about 500 years ago. Most of the world's 25 million Sikhs live in India, but more than 500,000 make the U.S. their home.
How is the Munich conference an example of appeasement?
An example of appeasement is the infamous 1938 Munich Agreement, in which Great Britain sought to avoid war with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy by taking no action to prevent Italy's invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 or Germany's annexation of Austria in 1938.