Embargo is spaish for taxation: If you were to charge your parents for doing chores they would just decide to do it themselves right? Therefore, if a government begins to charge people for any service provided or for every food that they buy, then people will riot and begin to buy from an outsourcer or just not buy at all, hurting that "water-life" motion of finance and economy that still marks our financial security today!
The Cuban missile crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis also known as the Missile Scare or Caribbean Crisis, happened in October 1962. It was a 13 days dangerous confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union over the arrival of Soviet technicians with equipments to manufacture Soviet nuclear-armed missiles in Cuba.
President John F. Kennedy on the 22nd of October announced the a naval quarantine to stop the delivery of missiles and demanded the existing missile sites in Cuba be dismantled immediately.
The Cuban missile crisis exposed the Soviets’ military inferiority and led to the buildup of weapons in the United States and the Soviet Union.
As a general in the army, Jackson lead several attempts to remove the Indians from land that the government wanted. From 1814-1824 he began negotiating with the tribes with treaties, to try and trade land with the Indians. In 1823 the Supreme Court ruled that Native Americans would only be able to occupy lands and were not allowed to hold a title on any particular land. When Jackson became president in 1830 he was able to get the Indian Removal Act signed into law. This was a way to force or negotiate with tribes to give up their lands in exchange for the rougher lands west of the Mississippi River.