A sepoy was the name given to an Indian infantryman employed hired by the British East India Company.
the US was very concerned because of the fact that Cuba had nuclear missiles within range of Washington D.C. and the leader of Cuba was being heavily supported by the Russians which at this time the US were involved in a cold war with where each side was moments from launching nuclear missiles at one another.
the Articles of Confederation
Introduction. The Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation, the first constitution of the United States, on November 15, 1777. However, ratification of the Articles of Confederation by all thirteen states did not occur until March 1, 1781
Adolf Hitler idolizes the genocide as being a successful mass extermination of a group of people deemed unworthy of existence or a threat to the preservation of one's country. The Armenian genocide was the systematic killing and deportation of Armenians by the Turks of the Ottoman Empire.
This line of french fortifications on the german border was known as the Maginot Line. So the answer is C