Jefferson wrote all men are equal which meant that people were born with some inalienable rights like right to live free without being under the control of others.
Although in reality, Thomas Jefferson had many slaves under his control and he had progeny from one of his slaves. That statement proclaimed that every individual has to be included regardless of race, religion or gender.
But when he wrote ‘All men are equal”, he may have not considered women and slaves. It may sound hypocritical but it has taken more than a century to really internalize the meaning of equality.
b, a wouldn't make sense because in history in general people have tended to like meritocracy over aristocracy. C and D don't make sense because aristocracy doesn't include how hard a person works for a job
Answer: B. It can be difficult to determine one's body fat because the test administrator can easily make an error.
The skinfold measurement is used to assess the thickness of a skin fold. This is an attempt to predict the total amount of body fat that a person has. In order for the test to be significant, a person has to assume that body fat is equally distributed over the body. This test is not always reliable, however. It can be very difficult to determine one's body fat, as the administrator of the test can easily make an error or a wrong assumption.
I agree.
As we know our country was established by the colonization of different cultures from different countries. This made us a very diverse nation with a very rich and diverse culture, because we don't have a specific culture, but a culture formed by the junction of the cultures of all our colonizers, who came from different places in the world and literally built the country that We know.