A step-by-step procedure used to obtain a particular goal when in search for a problem's solution is an algorithm.
So 2/7 cars are minivans, 161/7=23, (23)2= 46, that mean there is 46 minivans so 161 cars - 46 minivans=115 cars that aren't minivans.
Watching Tv may seem great but is it?
Well its a yes or no, Tv is good for a rainy day entertainment but its not something you should do every single day! Its not healthy! Playing outside used to be very popular before Tv's came around!
I just did a little bit to get you some ideas i will do more soon!
Explanation is in the file
C) Every job is unique and valuable to America
Walt Whitman (1819-1892) was a man who considered differences to make us special. In one piece of work, he makes many metaphors comparing the actions of Americans with musicals sounds and how everyone created the general orchestra, which couldn't be done without any one of them which was what made them count.