akwidhrije? ekjdieje. wozjiwnsue jwudj wisiwini, Irweuruuin kieidik. eidu?eisijejsdb :) iejsjs
Your name I think, i'm not sure though.
Answer:Those that coincide are: leges,novae. Both words are plural and feminine. Both words are nouns.
The others that coincide are: ducem, boni, misero. These are in singular and masculine. Ducem and boni are adjetives but misero is a noun.
Explanation: Ducem means leader.
Leges means laws.
Novae means news.
Boni means good.
Misero means misery.
I hope I have helped you. Good luck!
Motive cromatice:verde dor
motive olfactive:miresme de brad,galaxie de fum