Answer: usually the purpose of an argument is the thing happening around you when someone dissagree's with you you usually feel the need to fight back you get mad and your body doesn't want to handle it at all so it fights back with feelings and emotion's. please like and pick as brainliest i need the points :(
'An Episode of War' by Stephen Crane is a story telling the damage of a young lieutenant during war - from the instant the man was shot up until he faced his family. The lieutenant in the civil war can be described here is humble - the best adjective to be used here.
You know the saying actions speak louder than words. That is a easy way to understand that words spoken carry more weight than just writing something. Words spoke are a more genuine expression from the heart than just writing something.
What the Dog Doin' or What da Dog Doin' refers to a viral video uploaded to Vine in which four men reach into a small tin of mints at the same time, followed by a dog, resulting in one man asking, "what the dog doin'?" The video went viral in the years following its release, seeing a significant increase in popularity in 2021.