They were wondering in search of their lost family members, they were constantly in danger, with a possibility of being killed, secretly enslaved or beaten up harshly. Their lives for sure were quite bitter even after the civil war. After all, the war could not change the point of view of the landowners in the South in a fingerclick, that required much more time and patience.
The best we can do is speak up, don’t let people shut you down and most of all BE EQUAL SEE EVERYBODY AS EQUAL
Boosted economic prosperity through expansion of trade especially due to the rapid expansion and development of the 7000 mile silk road. The building of this road ensured that trade in farm produce developed a great deal.
The purpose of this excerpt is that It speaks about the setting of the play.
The three liens are extremely economical at setting up the situation for the rest of the play here. The lines first convey that the parents are enraged and that the children are at fault. It also shows that they cannot do anything about it.
The last line deftly tells the audience that they are going to be stuck in traffic for 2 hours effectively making them struck in the same situation for the duration.
This becomes the setting of the play by introducing the main conflict and the time frame of it.